By Tom and Julie Meekins
As a leader (either as staff or as a volunteer) in special needs ministry, have you ever wondered if social media could be helpful to your families?
We decided to put the idea to the test. A little over four years ago, we created a Facebook Group for the benefit of supporting special needs parents in our local area.
Our Facebook Group is a secret one in which folks need to be invited to join. The invitations can come from members but the moderators need to approve those who want to join. In the last four years our group has grown to 105 members and it is very active.
Here are some benefits from a ministry standpoint in reaching out to special needs families through a Facebook group:
You can get a pulse on how the families are doing. The members in our group have reached out when they are having a tough time. They are also apt to share good things that are happening. This helps ministry leaders to monitor how the families are doing.
You can have spiritual input. As a ministry leader, you can post Scripture and positive and encouraging quotes. You can steer the discussion in a godly direction. Sometimes special needs parents just need to be reminded of the truth of God’s Word.
You have a great avenue of communication for events. Just in the last few months, we have invited parents to participate in these events: a virtual retreat for moms of kids with challenges, a baby shower for one of the members who is having their fourth child and has never been blessed with a baby shower, a Bible Study, Zoom gatherings to keep in touch virtually, and other parties and meetings. Parents, themselves, use the group to let other families know they are doing an outing and to invite them to join them. One mom hosted a craft meet-up at her home and invited others to join her. Moms’ Nights Out and Dads’ Nights Out and Parent’s Only gatherings often have their beginnings at a post in the Facebook group.
You can build an awesome support community. Parents share challenges and get support. Parents reach out for babysitters, resources, and ideas. Parents have a connection with people who “get it” and they never feel alone. When families move away – until they can set up new connections – they have a community they can still check in with. Parents can ask for prayer. Parents can share victories – large and small – and this community rejoices with them.
Here are some comments that came from the question: What do you love about having this Facebook group?
[We are] able to express our concerns, seek advice, and love and support others who need it. HL
Having a community of friends who deeply understand what we are going through because they’ve gone through it too. EV
Being able to get and give support and advice. Meeting some cool people. MB
Making friends with those who get it and are not judgemental MW
Exactly!! That is so hard to find. RR
Friends and support. JL
Friends. Prayers. TC
We encourage you to consider setting up some social media opportunities for special needs families to connect. You will build community and have spiritual input. You can love God and love people in a way that matters
If you need support setting up your own Facebook group for your community, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.
Much love,
Tom and Julie
Tom and Julie Meekins
We invite you to connect with Tom, Julie, and Amy through:
Phone: 410-746-9010
Don’t forget our website: