Ongoing Online Access
Back in 2020, all of us in ministry were scrambling for ideas of how to keep connection alive with our people during a pandemic. We got creative. We rose to the occasion. It was challenging and it was good.
One of those ideas was to offer all manner of ways to connect over Zoom. We did meetings, parties, coaching, mentoring, scavenger hunts, classes, Christmas caroling, games, training, and more. All of this was done remotely and online.
We found folks who were looking for friends and never had access to connecting and they found us. Some families who were never able to attend in-person because of fragile health or limited access or transportation issues, were suddenly enjoying fellowship and connection – sometimes for the first time.
And then, the world started to open up. Doors were open to church buildings and organizations. In-person invitations were made. And…it was good.
We loved and are loving being together in the same space. And…it is good.
And then, for some, sadly, the doors of connectivity, companionship, and togetherness closed. No longer did they have access to the new friends they had made. Now that in-person activity was again a thing – some who were only able to come on-line were soon forgotten.
Ministry folks – we do not want to forget those who can only get fellowship and connectivity on-line. We also want to make on-line connections available for those who have to miss regular activities from time to time because of sickness or lack of transportation (especially now that gas prices are through the roof).
We at Champions4Parents are working at being mindful to include people as much as we can. We have a Sunday morning Life Group that meets for fellowship and Bible study. We have learned how to set up Zoom so that folks can come remotely. We even come by Zoom when we need to travel for ministry. We lead from afar on those Sundays.
We also create a way for folks to access Zoom to come to our Parent Support Group meetings and to the Women’s Bible Studies that Julie leads.
It isn’t perfect – we do have technical difficulties from time to time – but because we know that the folks who come remotely are so very appreciative of the opportunity, we will persevere as hard and as long as we can.
So, let’s take a step back. Let’s tap into all that enthusiasm and perseverance we had during the pandemic to get people together.
Let’s think about those who you want to reach. Who is “out there” who needs connectivity? Find those people you already know or know of. Brainstorm how you might create opportunities for them to join you in your already set up gatherings or classes and activities. It will take a little bit of thought and creativity and trial and error BUT it will be so worth it.
As you design new gatherings, classes, and activities, make on-line access a priority.
Are you thinking that you are very technology challenged? not particularly technology savvy? Don’t be afraid to seek the wisdom and abilities of those who are more techie than you are. Most of those people love to share their gifts.
Pray about the obstacles that come your way as you work to make this possible. We know your heart is all about making it work.
Finding volunteers – one option:
As you make connections available on-line for those who cannot come in person, consider folks who would love to volunteer to help make it happen. You may know people who have tech skills who also may not be able to come in person. Our goal is always to help people serve, right? What if there is someone who is health compromised and needs to stay home who also is good at setting up and monitoring on-line events and activities? What if there is someone who lives in a different city or state who would love to be part of your community and who has the know-how to make on-line connections happen with your people?
As disability ministry leaders and volunteers, we are accustomed to thinking outside the box, right? This task is one of those times to get innovative. We know you have it in you. We know you are resourceful. We know you can tap into others’ experiences in setting up on-line support.
And, remember, we are here to brainstorm with you. Email us at We would love to support you via email or phone or Zoom.
Much love,
Tom and Julie Meekins
We invite you to connect with Tom, Julie, and Amy through:
Phone: 410-746-9010 (Voice or Text)
Don’t forget our website:
And check out Amy’s book at