This is a message for parents, caregivers, friends, and also to professionals in ministry, medicine, and education. Do you feel loved? If the answer is yes, it is most likely because someone has figured out what makes you feel loved. If the answer is no, then it doesn’t necessarily mean that you are not loved. It just may mean that the people who love you do not know how best to love you so that you feel it and know it. Recently, I had the privilege of participating in an online book study with Jolene Philo, co-author with Gary Chapman...
When is the last time you really felt like someone listened to you? How did that make you feel? How does it make you feel when you don’t feel listened to? Do you think it is possible — that as parents, spouses, daughters, sons, nephews, nieces, sisters, brothers, grandchildren, grandparents, aunts, uncles, friends, bosses, pastors, counselors, teachers, trainers, associates in shopping environments, servers in restaurants, nursing home personnel, nurses, doctors, financial counselors, tellers, clerks, administrative assistants, and people everywhere who touch the lives of other people — we could all learn to listen better to others with our ears, our...
Creating Healthy Nurturing Homes in these Challenging Times Recently, during our parent support group gathering on Zoom, we had a lively discussion about how we, as parents, are uniquely positioned to provide certain things in a child’s life. We chatted about what is most important to bring to our children. These days of COVID-19 can be socially restrictive and potentially anxiety producing. We are constantly setting up new routines for educating and socializing our children. We need to find ways to safely run errands. We are working hard to provide nurturing, healthy, and stimulating activities for our children in a...
Thoughtfully Considering How to Love a Special Needs Family We recently asked some special needs parents how they would like to be loved by family, friends, and even strangers. Here is what they had to share: Do not judge. There are so many things that you may not know behind the scenes in a special needs family. Some disabilities are not as obvious. We call these “hidden disabilities.” Have compassion. Do not be dismissive of their concerns and frustrations. Many children who melt-down in public are extremely sensitive to what you might call normal noises, lights, and activity. What looks...
Life is hard. Everyone is feeling the pain of these days of COVID which brings some form of social isolation, disrupted routines, difficult perplexities in educating children, ministries that are upside/down and so much more confusion. We are also living with a lot of political unrest. These days are hard for everyone but especially troublesome for special needs families who are already dealing with sometimes seemingly insurmountable challenges. Just in the last few days, we have interacted with people who are dealing with very difficult situations. Here are some of their stories: My son does not know how to social...
Tom and Julie Meekins Ministry is hard. It can be very lonely. There are often expectations made of ministry leaders that are overwhelming. Let’s talk about Loneliness first. Don’t be a lone ranger. You may feel like you “should” be taking care of everything within the ministry yourself. You may feel that you were hired to do a job or commissioned to do a job and that you alone should take care of it – ALL of it. Wrong thinking. God created us for community. He doesn’t want us doing ministry alone. We had to learn this truth the hard...
By Julie Meekins When I sat down to write this blog post, my goal was to give parents who suddenly found themselves responsible to navigate the education of their children at home some tips to not only survive but to do well. After completing the article, however, I realized that these tips work for all parents. If you are a parent who was intending to send your child to school but are thrust into educating at home, this is for you. If you are a parent of a child with special challenges of any kind, this is for you. If...
Helping to Reach for Highest Potential By Tom and Julie Meekins There are so many facets to parenting a child with special needs. In the early days, we, like many parents were focused on getting a diagnosis and then defining what comes with that diagnosis. Then, as the days and months and years unraveled, we learned who Amy really was as an individual. Of course, this is ongoing because she, like all of us, is always growing and developing. For us, the diagnosis became less important and her needs, strengths, and abilities become the focus. Does that sound familiar?...
By Tom and Julie Meekins As a leader (either as staff or as a volunteer) in special needs ministry, have you ever wondered if social media could be helpful to your families? We decided to put the idea to the test. A little over four years ago, we created a Facebook Group for the benefit of supporting special needs parents in our local area. Our Facebook Group is a secret one in which folks need to be invited to join. The invitations can come from members but the moderators need to approve those who want to join. In the...
Ephesians 6:10-18 In this world of the coronavirus or Covid-19, we are fighting an invisible enemy. This has changed the way we live our lives in a way that is totally different than at any time in history throughout the entire world. To defend ourselves from the virus, governments have set rules and requirements to keep us all healthy. We must wash our hands, use hand sanitizer, practice social distancing, avoid touching our faces, wear a mask, and stay home. Health care workers have a list of Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) to use as they care for the sick. This...