By Julie Meekins December is just around the corner. Does knowing that put you in a panic? Do you already feel a growing sense of being swamped? December can be so lovely – a month filled with beautiful decorations, sweet music, joyful celebrations, adorable children’s concerts, fun gift-giving, church Christmas pageants, family togetherness — the stuff of life-long sweet memories. Unfortunately, December can also be a trying time for families. We tend to attempt to cram in more projects than is humanly possible, overschedule both our children and ourselves, eat poorly, and take too little time to rest. All of...
Tom and Julie Meekins A number of years ago, it became apparent to us that we and other parents whose children are impacted by disability needed a support group. We went to our church leaders to get the green light, which they gave readily. We have been at this for 6 years now and have learned a few things that may be helpful to you if you already have a parent support group and are looking for fresh ideas or if you are hoping to start one up. Our first suggestion is that you work with who you have in...
Friend, do you need an encouraging word? Are you needing to be reminded that you have a Resource beyond all resources? We do. Whether you are a parent or a ministry leader or volunteer (or maybe you fill all of those roles at some time or another as we do) you can STAND strong – even when you don’t feel it. Why? …because our strength comes from the Lord. He tells us this in Exodus: “The Lord is my strength and my song, and he has become my salvation; this is my God, and I will praise him, my father’s...
[Amy Meekins is the author of this month’s blog post. She is also the author of the book, “Heart ReCharge Devotionals.” Check out her website at] ********** What If? Have you ever wondered what life would have been like if you could change just one thing? I wonder what it would be like if I was born in New York or California instead of Maryland, or if I were born in a different decade? Sometimes I wonder what life would have been like if I were born in 2001, or 1971, or 1930, or 1912, or the 1800’s, or…...
Considerations for: Parents/Caregivers, Potential Individual Respite Providers, and Churches What do you think of when you see the word respite? If you are a caregiver, it might trigger a desire and a hope for a break so that you can rest and restore and rejuvenate. Many caregivers do not have adequate breaks to reset because the needs of their loved one with disabilities are constant and there is no one who is available to step in. There are many different ways that respite can be provided to caregivers. It can be as complicated or as simple as both parties (the...
How to Grab a Minute I am writing to you – the special needs/disability community, so I know that we all feel this. There isn’t enough time. As parents/caregivers to those affected by disability, we wish we had more time. Maybe you wish you had more time to reset. Maybe you wish you had more time to play with and simply focus on enjoying your child. Maybe you wish you had more time to support a friend. Maybe you wish you had more time to encourage your husband or wife. Maybe you wish you had more time to love on...
Let’s think about children. As a member of the pastoral staff, ministry staff, or as a volunteer serving children in ministry, we ask that you open your heart to hear what God says about including those who take a little bit more of your attention. Jesus wants your ministry open to ALL children. He said, “Let the little children come.” And His ministry was all about special needs and disability. But, you may think, “we are ill-equipped to handle children with special needs and disabilities”. We understand. But, will you come and explore with us what God says about this?...
When we consider special needs and disability ministry, we have to realize that there are several perspectives coming into play. Of course, we always want to put the needs of the child or adult with a disability at the forefront. There is a team that, if working together, can create an environment that helps everyone to know that Jesus loves them and that we truly want them to know they belong in our community. That team consists of parents or caregivers, staff, and volunteers. Each of these allies bring something unique to the table. Parents or caregivers, staff, and volunteers...
Parenting children opens one up to all kinds of advice – sought after and unsolicited. And then, there are people who are negative or manipulative by nature who step all over the way we parent. Add to the mix parenting a child with challenges and suddenly even strangers put themselves forth as experts. Maybe we are talking about two different things here: advice vs. criticism. The dictionary definition of advice is an opinion or recommendation offered as a guide to action. On the other hand, the dictionary describes criticism this way, the act of passing judgment as to the merits...
What about our Children’s Future? When our children who have challenges are small, our schedules are often full of meetings with medical and developmental professionals to help us help our child to be all they were meant to be. We spend countless hours researching, seeking advice, and scheduling appointments with recommended doctors, therapists or educators. We beg and plead with insurance companies and any other resource we find to help us financially reach the best of the best for our child. We do all manner of teaching them, training them, and advocating for them. As they grow from babies to...