Are you weary? I don’t just mean tired. I mean bone-tired, worn out. Are you mentally drained? Physically exhausted? Emotionally spent? If so, this message is for you. Life can be very hard sometimes. Circumstances and certain people can suck the life blood out of you. Just getting up each day and plodding through the impossible task list with no end in sight can be burdensome. Sometimes people motivated by their own vindictive, selfish agendas can be overwhelmingly hurtful. You may be dealing with some form of grief either from losing a loved one or because of loss of the...
Julie Meekins Hey Mom! Are you feeling guilty? Most moms I know suffer from some sense of mom guilt at some time or another. You may be thinking things like… It is my fault that my child has this disability. I have no idea what I am doing.What does being a good “advocate” even mean?Why can I not get my act together, this place is a mess!I had to apologize yet again to my child for vocalizing my frustrations.And then…there are the other members of the family and extended family that I feel I am neglecting.Insert whatever has you in a...
Theme: Set your mind to look for the gifts. We are all made in God’s image. As image bearers, God created each one of us with unique gifts that are essential for the church. Often we hear pastors sharing from the stages of our churches an enthusiastic charge to serve within the local body of believers and beyond. I don’t know about you, but this encouragement stirs something within my heart to take action. Over the last few years, I have observed that many of my friends with disabilities also have a stirring in their hearts to serve and a...
Ongoing Online Access Back in 2020, all of us in ministry were scrambling for ideas of how to keep connection alive with our people during a pandemic. We got creative. We rose to the occasion. It was challenging and it was good. One of those ideas was to offer all manner of ways to connect over Zoom. We did meetings, parties, coaching, mentoring, scavenger hunts, classes, Christmas caroling, games, training, and more. All of this was done remotely and online. We found folks who were looking for friends and never had access to connecting and they found us. Some families...
Dear Pastor, We appreciate you. Thank you for bringing us God’s Word so consistently. You are a gift to us and we are grateful for your shepherding love and faithful guidance. Thank you for giving us this opportunity to share some things that are near and dear to our hearts. Disability Ministry Needs You You can bring a message to the rest of the church family that disability ministry is essential to the church. Why? Because Jesus showed us by example by serving people with special needs all the time, i.e. the lame, the blind, the sick. He was the...
Almost two years ago, we felt led to create something. We noticed that too often folks who do not have disabilities do not get many opportunities within the church or faith-based organizations to hang out and develop relationships with those who do. So, we formed a Life Group at our church called Affinity. Why “affinity?” The definition of affinity is a strong connection or relationship between people or things. We wondered, if we brought people together for the express purpose of studying God’s Word and building community, if the people — whether they had disabilities or not — would grow...
Make Decisions with Confidence Did you know that the popular thought these days is that adults make an average of 35,000 decisions every day? How crazy is that? 35,000! We have never counted how many decisions we actually make each day, but we can testify that some days it seems like way more than we have the energy and brain space to make. How about you? We all have the usual decisions like what to wear, what to make for meals, whether to eat breakfast or not, which route to take to work or to the kids’ school, what to...
CREATE a sense of BELONGING at your Event or in your Group Does the word, “belong”, conjure up positive warm-fuzzy feelings for you or does it make your heart sink? Maybe it does a little of both? Most people have felt like an outsider at some time in their lives. It doesn’t feel good, does it? You, as a parent, a ministry leader or volunteer, a member of any group affected in some way by disability have an opportunity to help others have a positive experience in belonging. Human beings were made to be in community. So often, though, when...
Dear Ministry Leaders, What a wonderful opportunity you have to create a welcoming place for children and their parents as well as the volunteers who serve them. The only problem is – people are involved. Grin. Seriously, we know that you have a very tough job. Serve the Children. Love the Families. Guide the Volunteers. Sounds simple in words, right? Implementing is a whole different picture. There are so many factors that go into creating vibrant ministry for children. God’s Word needs to be presented consistently, truthfully, and enthusiastically. It is vital that you keep the children physically safe. You...
Stop. Assess. Build. Recently, I have become aware of three specific mamas who have experienced utter physical depletion and I know that there are many, many more. What do I mean by depletion? They have very little left within them to take care of the things of daily living. These are moms who have given everything they’ve got to and for their families without focusing on their own basic care on a consistent basis. (No judgment.) These are moms who have at least one child with special needs and whose needs are often unique, constant, exhausting, puzzling, and endless. These...