In the world of education we see a growing desire among educators to presume competence in their students. What does “presume competence” mean exactly? Here are some ways to explain it. Assume the student has the ability to understand and learn even if the behavior or communication style seems different – then, actively tease out those abilities. Focus on capabilities, not limitations Prioritize what a person can do rather than assuming they are incapable. Approaching the student with the expectation that they are capable of achieving things, and should have the opportunity to try with support and accommodations. Put aside...
Recently we asked some folks in our disability community groups the question, “Now that the holiday is over, what was helpful and what was not.” Navigating Holidays as a Family Affected by Disabilities Here are just a few experiences that were shared along with some of our thoughts surrounding them: HELPFUL: Keeping a schedule that works best for our family. It is okay to pull back on others’ expectations and plans. Not everyone will understand, and that is okay, too. Our loved ones with disabilities and our family as a whole spends a lot of time and energy in everyday...
Opening up the church doors or the church grounds to the community at large is a great opportunity for outreach. Our church has several large events per year where this is done well. Some examples of this are Vacation Bible School and an annual Celebrate America event. These events are open for everyone. Events Specifically for the Disability Community: What we have found for families living with disability is that for multiple reasons many cannot participate in these events. As disability ministry leaders, we know we need to be creative if we are going to create an atmosphere where special...
Most County Fairs and other community events like Town Festivals and local Carnivals are a bit overwhelming for sensory sensitive kids and adults. Many families decide to stay away for that reason. But…what if you knew there would be a place at the event for your sensory sensitive loved one to take a break and regulate? Check out what Joy Niehaus, a mom of children with autism, made happen at her local County Fair. When did this idea spark for you? The original idea came from another event our family used to go to. Our kids loved street fairs and...
Some children have challenges and struggles that are seriously legit but are hidden and misunderstood. Many of these struggles show themselves in difficult behavior. Sometimes, we, as adults – parents, teachers, ministry leaders, coaches – make assumptions about the behaviors. Often parents get a bum rap because the other adults in our kids’ worlds judge our parenting because of those behaviors. First let us understand that BEHAVIOR IS COMMUNICATION. I honestly don’t think we can think about this too much. I get it. A child is melting down and you have to keep him or her and everyone else safe...
For Parents and Ministry Leaders and Volunteers If you are working with children in ministry, you may want to take a look at this blog post. If you are working in disability ministry, you may want to take a look at this writing.If you are a parent, you may want to take a look at this blog post.If you babysit, you may want to take a look at this writing. First, we will start off with some stories. Check out the stories of Jacob, Joshua, Preston, & Amy. Jacob Jacob is brilliant and also very rigid in his thinking. If it...
As a parent, spouse, family member, dear friend, what do you think and how do you feel about desiring healing for a loved one with disabilities? If you are the one with the disability, how do you feel about others’ desires and prayers for your healing? As a person who serves people with disabilities — children (and their families) and adults, what should be your position? We recently had this conversation in person and online with many people. There were representatives of parents, caregivers, adults with disabilities themselves, and others who loved or served children and adults with disabilities in...
I recently participated in a Mental Health Summit online conference hosted by Thrive & Cultivate. I admit that I am new to the growing momentum of getting informed about mental health and particularly what we, in the church, can do to support mental wellness. I had the privilege of watching videos of several presentations of this Summit. There were many eye-opening moments for me as well as reminders of best practices. Here are some brief summaries of things that I heard that particularly moved me. Entering church if you are an extreme introvert or while dealing with social anxiety can...
The real heart and soul of people with disabilities is often overlooked because most people are focused only on what they see as different. Something to ponder: If you are a person living with disability, or a parent or other caregiver of a person with a disability, or if you are a ministry leader who serves people with disabilities: – What message would you like to give to those who only look surface deep. – What would you say to people who fear differences? – How are people with disabilities the same as everyone else? – What else would...
We recently celebrated Mother’s Day. A wide range of emotions are experienced on the day set aside to honor moms. In many groups of people, you will find those who adore their moms and cannot wait to celebrate them. There are moms who appreciate reflecting on mothering whether their children are babies, toddlers, elementary, middle, or high school students, young adults, or older adults. There are also those who are missing moms who have passed on. Sometimes, Mother’s Day is a very painful day for those whose moms are not or were not a positive part of their lives. Too...