Steps to Calming the Chaos within You
Tom and Julie Meekins
Parents raising children with challenges have common and unique stresses.
Worry Points: What are your particular worry points for your child and your family?
Is it your child’s next developmental step? (No matter how old they are.)
Crawling. Walking. Talking. Potty training. Learning to stay with adults and not darting away in public. Learning the alphabet. Learning to read. Learning to write letters and then words and sentences and paragraphs and essays. Understanding figures of speech (idioms). Sleeping better. Communication skills. Relationship skills. You know the list unique to your child.
Is it health? As parents, we are always concerned for the health of our children. Some children with challenges are especially medically complex and fragile. Now, during this time of pandemic, those typically and atypical concerns for our children’s health can be even more stressful.
Is it the opinions and judgment of others? Grandparents. Siblings. Peers. Strangers. Society in general. No matter what, as parents, we will always find those who will not agree with what we think, say, or do. Some of those folks will be more vocal and judgmental and it can be extremely upsetting.
Is it financial? How are we going to keep up with the needs of our family?
There is so much NOISE and chaos in our world and sometimes in our heads and hearts. So, what can we do?
Yes. Just stop a minute and breathe. Take a deep breath. Hold it for four seconds. Let it go.
Now. What can you do next? Here are some ideas and they are not necessarily in order for every situation.
Pray. Many times our struggle is out of our control at the moment. Ask God for strength and wisdom.
Reach out to someone who can help you have perspective. Don’t try to figure out everything on your own.
Get coffee or chocolate. Treat yourself to something you like.
And then what?
Rest. Whenever possible. Rest. Rest physically. Nap if you need to. Take a rest from the news and then everyone’s opinion about the news. Take a rest from social media (except for those people who feed your soul.)
Nourish. Nourish your soul with God’s Word and Praise music.. Nourish your body with some exercise and healthy food. Nourish your relationships by loving someone
Tell us what works for you to quiet the chaos in your world.
Much love,
Tom and Julie Meekins
We invite you to connect with Tom, Julie, and Amy through:
Phone: 410-746-9010
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